The sound interrupts the match, a warning that it is time for a break, that the game has its course and that we are now halfway through. We are in an intermediate state of interruption and waiting. In an expressive collage of archetypes, the animated film Animal Locomotion creates an associative vortex of breaths and sighs in lamentation about the repressed animal instinct in humans. In the fiction film Blue Noise, an unexpected embrace is a long-needed rest for a young and lonely soul. Then, imprisoned in half-time, on the first pages of her thesis, the heroine of the documentary film Me Myself ANDI is absorbed in the crazy rhythm of emotions, needs, and desires that play their own game in that huge break in life.
Animal Locomotion
Izrael, 2021., director: Asa Rikin, Noga Sirota, animated
Blue Noise
Njemačka / Austrija, 2022., director: Simon Maria Kubiena, feature film
Me Myself Andi
Njemačka, 2022., director: Lili Zahavi, documentary
STIFF 2022
Protekle tri godine temeljito su potresle, tektonski izmijenile našu stvarnost. Način interakcije, mogućnost i ideju → more
Extended play
Discursive program / Talk with filmmakers,